What is Dopamine?
Dopamine is what makes us desire things. That desire gives us motivation to get up and do stuff. Motivation come from how brain expecting how much amount of dopamine it will get after did certain things.Easy Work and Hard Work
"Easy" work such as playing games, checking phone, internet release high amount of dopamine"Hard" work such as working, reading, release less dopamine
How Dopamine Addiction Destroys You
On the experiment on a rat:- When exposed to high level amount of dopamine each time it pulled a lever, the rat did not want to do anything else rather than pulling the lever until it died of exhaustion
- When the dopamine was blocked, the rat lost will to life and did not want to walk to get food (but still will eat if the food is in front of the rat)
Brain does not care whether the activity is bad or good as long as it get dopamine
Point 2
When brain is exposed to high amount of dopamine regularly, that amount become the new standard.
Lost motivation to do all things that do not give high amount of dopamine
Dopamine detox
1. For 1 whole day, have as little fun as possible
2. For a certain day in a week, do not do thing that give you most dopamine
3. Always do the thing that give the least amount of dopamine first, and treat high dopamine activities as a reward at the end of the day. Ratio 4:1
4. Change the easy work that harms you, such as porn to something that less harmful
Easy work
- Youtube
- Game
- Twitter, FB, IG
- Anime
- Overeating
Hard work
- Sate
- Working
- Reading good books
- Self reflection, writing
- Do things from the to do list
- Learning new language
- Every Sunday, do not do any easy works and do the hard works
- Sate every morning, working, then do easy work as a reward for 3 hours