Thursday, December 26, 2019

An Introduction to Theme Park Girl / テーマパークガール | English

テーマパークガール / Theme Park Girl/ TPG is a Japanese idol group

From top to bottom: Kanami, Kelly, Igusa, Momoka, Emii


It was all started with this video.

I randomly saw this cover of Lion King's "Circle of Life", listened it, and fell in love with the singer's voice. I thought she was an adult because Japanese people tend to look very young. After some research, I found that girl's name is Emii, and she is part of idol group called テーマパークガール (Theme Park Girl/ TPG), which consist of grade-schoolers and middle-schoolers. I, at that time, jokingly said Theme Park Girl is my new favorite idol group and I cannot sink any lower in the idol hell because of that

It then become a reality.


Lately, I am consuming all Theme Park Girl related content: YouTube, Instagram, Spotify, Twitter, and, yes, TikTok (I didn't know TikTok is such a blessing before). English sub is not available for all their content, so it was a little hard for me at first. But as people say, you don't need a sub if you watch it with your heart, I eventually overcame the language barrier.

I try to summarized all the things that I have learned about them for international fans. Because Theme Park Girl is amazing, and I want people to know more about them. Obviously what I wrote is not 100% accurate as I don't have any Japanese skill. If I missed any interesting facts or made any mistakes, please kindly let me know.

Fun fact regarding Theme Park Girl (TPG):
  • TPG started as content creator/ influencer/ youtuber in 2017 (I think they are officially formed in 2016). Mostly their content are dance and song cover, games and challenge, product review, and something like that.
  • TPG joined Idol Matsuri 2017 without Emii (I don't know the reason, maybe she was sick), performed Kimi Wa Princess as their original song. They didn't win but received some award (don't know the detail, the information is not available in English).
  • They again joined Idol Matsuri 2018, with the full roster. At that time, their YouTube channel already has around 30K subs. They performed Shoujo Skip for the original song. They won the show and also won the major debut contract (apparently those are two different things)
  • Their major debut single, 365 Days Heroine, released on 15 April 2019. Their YouTube channel now grows into 66.5K subs by the time this post is written 
  • They somehow really like to do "funny faces" and it's hilarious 

Members' Profile / Bio:

Momoka (宇田川ももか)
  • Momoka is really popular, probably has the most fans out of all members
  • She has her own YouTube channel, which  funnily has more subs than the official Theme Park Girl channel
  • She is one of the lead singer of TPG
  • The only members who have the same age are Momoka and Emii, they were born in 2004
  • She loves skinship
  • She is a little bit clueless and often become the prank target for the other members
  • Momoka has a high pitched voice that might sound unnatural at first, but later I found her voice is strong and clear! It is indeed her natural voice, and her voice is really beautiful especially in their song White (ましろ) 

Emii (えみい)
  • Emii is the best singer in the world in TPG
  • She has the same age as Momoka, born in 2004
  • She can do almost anything (in my eyes lol), including singing, piano, ballet
  • She is the shortest member with only 146 cm height. What a blessing!
  • She somehow uses Indonesian language a lot in her Instagram posts. I don't know why and I wish I know. The language is google translated tho

Igusa (いぐさ)
  • Igusa is the youngest member, born in 2006
  • Despite that, she often become the spoke person for the group and do MC-ing. When they won Idol Matsuri 2018, all the member cried like crazy. Igusa, the youngest baby, somehow managed to hold her tears and said thanks for the group
  • She often interact with fans while on stage, like a waving hand or smiling 
  • Her height increased rapidly over these past two years, she will beat giraffe in no time

Kelly (けり)
  • She can speak English fluently because she joined an International school
  • She is the second youngest of the group, born in 2005
  • She is really pretty
  • Her ability to hold any emotion, like laughter or cry, is non existent
  • Kelly and Igusa were shorter than Emii before, but now they are towering her 
  • She has a really unique cute voice

Kanami (かなみ)
  • Kanami is the oldest one, born in 2003
  • Together with Emii and Momoka, they are become the lead singers of TPG
  • She is the mood maker of the group. There will never be a dull moment when she is around!
  • She is really close with Igusa and Kelly, often seen in video together
  • She is really stylish, and the best dancer in the group, especially for hip-hop dance


  1. Thanks artikelnya, sangat menghibur, senang ada orang dari Indonesia yg juga suka dengan Theme Park Girl
    Penghargaan yg mereka dpt di 2017 semacam penghargaan khusus dari para juri, di tahun 2018 mereka juga dpt penghargaan khusus itu sekaligus jadi pemenang
    Direktur dari warner music sebelumnya udah "ngincer" mereka utk didebutkan, krn momennya tepat akhirnya diumumkan juga pas pengumuman pemenang Idol Matsuri 2018

    1. Halo, thanks sudah baca dan comment :D

      Bukannya setiap tahun ada penerima major debut ya? Kayak di tahun 2017 chunning candy ga menang tapi dapat major debut. 2019 juga mabataki dapat, sekaligus menang juga.

      Oh iya tahu ga ya kenapa, TPG kan kontrak sama warner, tapi MVnya diupload di channel mereka sendiri bukan di channelnya warner ya. Kalau chunning candy kan kontrak dan MVnya dipublish sama ponycanyon


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